Specialist in taxes and indirect contributions, FISCALEAD is THE most experienced and knowledgeable partner in alcohol excise duties for producers and traders in wine, beer, spirits and champagnes.
- Still and sparkling wines
- Champagnes
- Beers
- Spirits
Specialist in taxes and indirect contributions, FISCALEAD is THE most experienced and knowledgeable partner in alcohol excise duties for producers and traders in wine, beer, spirits and champagnes.
As soon as your sales flows are determined and only one declarative solution is missing to increase your alcohol sales volumes in Europe, we prepare, check and transmit the VAT returns and excise liquidations on the list of Member States you have chosen.
According to your needs, our excise expertise is at your service with great flexibility per country:
At FISCALEAD, you have a dedicated account manager who takes care of all your excise and VAT reporting obligations. We ensure perfect compliance for these two taxes, including also upon request soda tax, packaging taxes or other contributions.
Contact us for a personalized quotation!
Contact UsOver the years, we have met many companies, faced various operations and exchanged our views on their tax and logistic issues. Although excise duties are well controlled for domestic (e.g. French-French) sales, producers and traders often face lots of difficulties for so-called “export” sales.
The term “export” sales is often used to designate sales outside France. However, from a tax point of view, a distinction must be made between sales to other Member States (intra-Community deliveries or distance sales) and sales to countries outside the European Union (exports).
These difficulties are most often a direct result of regulations that require the tax treatment and documentation requirements to be adapted to :
How to manage the specificity of these flows in a standard IT system?
Who can assist you in the development of your IT tools?
You tell us about YOUR strategic orientations and priorities to increase your coverage of the European market, to start or extend your B2C sales in e-commerce, to avoid administrative and reporting constraints for your customers…
We will map out your interests together, defining the Member States of your choice so that we can get back to you at the end of this meeting with a detailed budget and a schedule for carrying out the work.
FISCALEAD has dusted off the excise duties applied to winegrowers, beer and spirits producers and distributors. In a field that until then had remained fairly static, we needed to bring everything that digitalisation has to offer, both in terms of our customers’ internal processes and the dedicated turnkey offering developed by FISCALEAD. We can’t say that we’ve tested all our customers’ products, but we do know their technical, organoleptic and excise qualities – enough to perfect our trade and our mission: to help you deliver these goods subject to alcohol excise duty in the way you want, without the regulations constituting an uncontrolled brake on your commercial development.
If you work in the alcohol sector and you are not yet a FISCALEAD customer, we need to meet. We are also very involved at European level in order to keep up to date with the technical issues in each of the Member States. Try operational assistance and advice, they complement the legal advice whose recommendations are placed in your IT, HR and commercial realities.
Contact usAs specialists in sensitive dossiers, when you entrust your VAT, import or export declarations or excise duty returns to FISCALEAD, you know that we do more than just put figures in boxes.
Making you agile in a rigid regulatory environment is our mindset. Above all, we adapt to your organisation and your financial, commercial, HR and IT realities.
We have a network of partners throughout Europe. We are in close contact with the authorities and keep abreast of regulatory developments in the sector. At FISCALEAD we don't have a 'single country' vision, we think as big as you do.
Founded by Marcie REYNO-DALLE and Alexandra LOUYOT, FISCALEAD provides operational assistance in indirect taxation: Customs, Excise and VAT. With many years’ experiences in both big 4 law firms and in-house, our team is experienced in a wide range of international business models, industries, and supply chains.
Committed to listening to your operational needs, we put our technical expertise at the service of your logistical, IT and HR realities.
Whether you call on our tax reporting or operational advisory services, our obsession is to ensure that indirect taxation is no longer a barrier for your business but opens up new opportunities for you.
Our added value? In an increasingly globalised and digitalised world, at FISCALEAD expertise is a priority, and technology a necessity – without ever being dissociated. Come and meet us!
We work with a number of firms that we have partnered with
We monitor European tax and customs matters for our customers and run technical and practical workshops, webinars and training courses.
Over 15 years' experience in indirect tax management: Customs, Excise, VAT.